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Download Stm Bengali Software Free Download Category: Microsoft Office Category: Microsoft Office software Category: Microsoft software Category: Microsoft Office document readers Category: Character mapping programs Category: Character encoding Category: Input methods Category: DictionariesPharmaceutical drug discovery has long been driven by the observation that compounds having certain structural features are more active and/or less toxic (and therefore potentially better drug candidates) than others. The ability to rationally predict, from the structural features of a drug candidate (e.g., those features contained in the molecular structure of the drug candidate), those compounds that have good pharmaco-kinetic and -dynamic properties would constitute a significant step forward in pharmaceutical drug discovery. One of the best known standard approaches to quantifying the therapeutic value (or lack thereof) of a compound is known as the “5-HT3 receptor antagonist activity and toxicity profile”. One method for assessing the therapeutic value of a compound is to examine the electrophysiological activity of this compound, at a 5-HT3 receptor expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, as described in WO-A-95/06714. However, this approach is relatively tedious, time consuming and requires the use of relatively high concentrations of the compound (100-200 μM) in order to monitor the effects of the compound on 5-HT3 receptor function. An alternative method for examining the therapeutic value of a compound is to examine the concentration dependency of the compound, at a 5-HT3 receptor. Using this method, the therapeutic value of a drug candidate may be quantified, for example, by screening a plurality of concentrations of the drug candidate and selecting the concentration(s) at which the drug candidate has the most potent pharmacological activity. Furthermore, this method provides a real quantitative measure of the therapeutic value of the candidate compound, rather than only a qualitative measure (e.g. “active” or “inactive”), as is the case with other conventional methods. However, this method has proven to be difficult to perform. In particular, the requirement that the drug candidate be examined in a plurality of concentrations means that it is necessary to determine the concentration-response relationship for many different concentrations of the drug candidate. However, as described in EP-A-0179299, the concentration-response relationship for a given compound is often not linear. As a result, as the concentration is increased, the compound's response may
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