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Doctor-Patient Communication: Factors that bring gaps

Communication – the human connection

The fact that pursuing a medical career is tough, is no secret! However, the pace at which the healthcare industry is growing has made the medical practice tougher. Not technically, but in the periphery of patient engagement practices. The foremost factor that needs attention is ‘doctor-patient communication’.

‘’Communication is the process of information exchange between two or more participants. But it is only effective when done efficiently. Several factors determine the quality and effectiveness of that process.’’

Relation of careful communication as a medical professional

With the advancements in medical technology, the needs, behaviours and expectations of patients are also advancing. With the demand for inclusive care, the equation of a doctor-patient relationship is changing. And thus, today, the evaluation of the service of a practitioner is categorised into two segments-

  1. Practical level

  2. Expressive i.e. communication level

Then what are those powerful factors that could bring gaps in this most required doctor-patient communication? You need to be prepared!

Let’s take a look.

1. Language barrier

According to Shamsi et al., 2020, a language barrier between the doctor and patient can hinder high-quality healthcare and patient safety, considering a patient's first language can be of great help. Even before that, the use of medical jargon is a big NO! Using layman's terms related to treatments or illness can in fact make the patient comfortable, adding positivity to the patient experience.

2. Mood

Needless to mention the array of emotions a patient undergoes when in ailment. It might aggravate while receiving the care due to wrong or no effort to soothe the environment. Just some encouragement to the entire team to be resilient and optimistic can help create a nurturing culture, again adding up to the patient experience. This brings us to the third and last point -


Behaviour of medical staff

Complaints about medical staff treatment are commonplace. Patients cite a lack of respect, commitment, and understanding with a feeling that no one has time for them and that medical personnel cannot talk to them clearly and understandably. So if the room for improvement in the behaviour of the medical staff is filled, it will eventually invite healthy doctor-patient communication.

Points to consider -

And amidst all the traditional ways, the expressive aspect somewhere often gets undervalued and overlooked. So to put it straight and quickly, having the skills needed to converse successfully are an essential part of being a modern-day doctor.


Good doctor-patient communication can build a trusting relationship for years. A doctor who understands their patient’s needs, fears, concerns, and uncertainties can give their patient confidence and help in the recovery process.

Communication works for those who work at it.

Book with us a free 30-mins consultation to know how our digital healthcare solutions can help you enhance your communication in no time!


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