We have seen the popularity of yoga rising over the last decade or so. Thousands of years ago yoga was a secret practice confined to the sages and yogis, today it is a household name for wellness. In yogic philosophy the alignment of the human mind and body is of utmost importance, its basis lies in an inward journey to unveil the cosmic mysteries. It's a simple logic of a sound mind makes a healthy body.
Modern times have brought with them a huge amount of stress as our occupations become more intellect driven, this constant mental pressure has an adverse effect on our body function resulting in lifestyle disorders and anxiety. The pandemic has fueled this situation by restricting our physical activity. The practice of yoga consists of mind and body exercises which are independent of space, instruments and locomotion, making it accessible and easy to practice within our homes.
The female body is uniquely wired, where the mental pressure directly affects the hormone system resulting in a surge in lifestyle disorders like PCOS/PCOD, Amenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea, Endometriosis, Infertility, Adenomyosis, Uterine Fibroids etc. In India every 3rd girl suffers from PCOS. Social pressures, mental stress and a sedentary lifestyle heavily contribute towards the declining feminine health. The practice of yoga has shown to make a significant difference in maintaining female body harmony and regulating the hormone system.
Here are 7 best yoga asanas for feminine health you should swear by.
1. Yoni Mudra:
Yoni Mudra is one of the most important mudra for feminine health.Yoni means Womb or Source and Mudra means Gesture or attitude helping us get into the right mindframe. For the utmost benefit of yoga its extremely important to align your tangible and intangible selves, i.e your body and mind. Performing this Mudra also helps in regulating the menstrual pain and hormone cycle. Renowned Yoga instructor Anjali Seernani shows us how to perform this mudra and its importance in the following video.
2. Dhannurasana (Also known as the Bow Pose)

Balance the hormones
Removes belly fat
Excellent for posture/spine
Not recommended for:
Spine issues/problems
Severe knee injury
High blood pressure
Umbilical Hernia
Peptic Ulcers
High BP and Weak Heart
3. Marjariasana (Also known as the Cat Pose)

Relieves Menstrual cramps and Leucorrhea.
Control hormonal imbalance
Relieve back ache
Good for spine, neck, shoulders and body posture
Not recommended for:
Cervical spondylosis.
Knee injury.
4. Bhujangasana (Also known as the Cobra Pose)

Relieves lower back pain
Hormonal balance
Tones the ovaries and Uterus
Helps in Menstrual problems
Not recommended for:
Spine problems/injury
Umbilical Hernia
Peptic Ulcers
People having Hyper Thyroid, do it under guidance.
5. Supta Vakrasana.

Relieves period cramps.
Can be performed on period days
Not recommended for:
Knee injuries.
People with spinal issues should perform under guidance.
6. Simple Pigeon Asana

Stimulates abdominal organs
Relieves menstrual discomfort.
Relieves stress and anxiety
Not recommended for:
A back injury
An ankle injury
Knee injuries
7. Badhakonasana:

Excellent for Female reproductive system
Good hip opener
Not recommended for:
Severe knee and hip pain/injury
Take a deep breath, relax and bid adieu to menstrual discomfort with this simple but effective set of Yoga asanas. End this set of asanas with Shavasana (sleeping asana) and 10 min meditation while chanting the universal constant “AUM”. Always remember shavasana may look the most simple but heals the most. It shows a form of respect towards your body when you appreciate each part of your body and help it re energise after a workout.
Anjali Seernani the Founder of Aum Shanti Yoga is a renowned Yoga instructor from Mumbai has crafted unique sets of asanas for women suffering from different menstrual problems, so stay tuned with Nth Sense
Anjali Seernani
Owner and Certified Yoga instructor at Aum Shanti Yoga
