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Wear a sock of Digital Detox; Recharge your spirit

“I don’t believe in soulmates but…………………………………………………..”

If you completed that with a song you need digital detox honey!

Do you ever find yourself endlessly scrolling your feed or populating it?

In the Post pandemic world, our real life friends instantly became reel life friends (#PunIntended ;)). Instagram, facebook, Twitter, whatsapp became our only window to the outside world. Though it did keep us sane and connected during this unexpected pause in our lives they have also turned into addictions and major causes of FOMO.

Hey don't get me wrong, I don't hate them, nor am I here to share my opinion about them. Hell ya I love them all (#IAmACreator after all). But sometimes it can get overwhelming. Being in the middle of a global pandemic, seeing all the remorse, disappointment and chaos fuels our anxieties further.

The pandemic brought to light the fragility of our modern minds. Anxiety, Restlessness, Helplessness, Frustration and Suffocation have all surfaced for all of us in various intensities. With the rise in use of the above mentioned platforms, there was an alarming rise of negativity and online abuse. Trying times like these can bring out the best and the worst.

But remember, it's completely normal to feel anxious about the current situation. What is not normal is not finding a solution to it. And what kind of solution could work here the best?

The one and only- Digital Detox!

What is Digital Detox?

Simply put, it’s a diet for your mind, so that you can shed the weight of all the social baggage. The regime is very simple: Take some time off digital media. For this one day stay away from social media, streaming services, google, even your smart watch and most importantly the News! Switch all the screens off. No it's not another lockdown, it's just a vacation ...opps trigger Alert! It's just a break.

What exactly is to be done in this Digital Detox?

Good question, well let's go old school. Here are a bunch of activities that can give you a break from today and also set a good mood for tomorrow.

1. Get lost in a fantasy book.

2. Take a tour down memory lane: Go through all the old printed photographs and sing along ‘bring back memories..’!

Tip: If you live with your parents make it a family thing! Trust me there will be a lot of laughter, stories and fun! (Some embarrassments too)

3. I know all of us are not artists but there is something called color therapy.

All you have to do is take a piece of paper and randomly smear colors over it! It’s not only fun and satisfying but also a great way to relieve stress! Trust me it’s like mini holi.

4. Gardening

Growing plants is one of the most satisfying things to do if you like to get your hands dirty. You don't need to buy plants for it. You can simply use your kitchen as a starter kit. Start your own home garden so that mummy wont send you to get dhaniya ;))

PS- Did you know? Studies have proved that talking to plants helps in their growth. So no matter how much you pakkao them (bore them) they won't say anything but grow instead.

5. Grow a potato

Yes you read that right, a potato! It's simple, select a potato with slightly overgrown eyes (yes they are called eyes) and keep it in a jar with water slightly touching it. And vola! Watch the magic.

Why: for starters potato plants are gorgeous! And 2 it's such a positive thing to see that an ugly potato has all this potential to become a beautiful plant, so you can fight this rutt too!

(Disclaimer: The potato does not grow overnight, so patience is the key everywhere)

6. Declutter

Reorganize your closet or room. This will help you give yourself a different space and perspective. Once you organize the outside, you can easily sort the mess inside. Try it out.

7. DIY Projects

Immerse yourself in a DIY project. Choose something simple and complete it. (You can brag about it on your social media later!)

8. Conversation

I know this is a bummer, you talk everyday! But hear me out, for your digital detox ask your parents or grandparents about their childhood memories and slip into a different era. Have a constructive yet light conversation.

9. Simply go on a Solo Date (Pandemic Special AT HOME edition)

Light aromatic candles, give yourself a spa day, sit in your fav spot and simply relax. Spend the day with yourself without worrying about today or tomorrow. Treat yourself like royalty. After all, self love is the most vital love.

Now that you have read so many different ideas, pick yours, try one or all and see the difference. Literally a single day away from the digital world can help you calm down instantly. The constant blaring of news and social streams can weigh you down. But this break will take you away from all the chaos and help you rejuvenate.

By the way, why am I sharing all these? Because I have a very close relation with the uncertainty in times and its effect on mental health. I always wish to share all my bad experiences so that people like me can create their own good ones.

To do so I have initiated yet another endeavor- Nth Sense, a patient engagement platform that strives to make healthcare a happy experience to all.

To know more about what Nth Sense actually offers, visit-

Till then try the above shared digital detox ideas and let me know what worked for you.


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